Christmas is near. You know what that means! Preparations of gifts,cards,decorations and of course the feasting food.I'm not outlining on the feasts,I don't celebrate Christmas but I do take part in it;whether it's handing out long written cards with candy cane attached to them,at times participating in a Christmas event or two and just singing carols from the top of my head. The actual celebrating in which you put up the tree and decorate it,open the gifts that were garnered for you and eating the usual turkey or ham with delicious side dishes and desserts...I don't do all that. Not because I don't want to but in order for me to go into this celebration,my family must also be into it too.I can't just be the only one committed to do the decorating and cooking,Christmas is after all about Christ,hope and family; *coughs* family need to join in. The main reason I don't do all those things is because I'm Muslim,us Muslims already have a celebration and it's called Eid. I'm not strictly religious however and admire any celebration as long as it is peaceful.
If you have read my past posts,you would know that one of my resolutions was to hand out cards as much as I can. And indeed I am doing so. When I receive Christmas cards,ninety percent of them contain one sentence and that one sentence basically goes something like this ''Merry Christmas and a happy new year.''That part,they didn't even write themselves,it came neatly printed along with the card they bought. The only part they generally write is ''To Sabah'' and ''From (insert name).'' To be honest, I don't get bothered about this. I appreciate that they even gave me a card in the first place. But ever since I realized this phenomenon,I keep thinking that's somewhat the reason of why so many people don't enjoy reading their cards and tend to throw them away;not even thinking their cards of medium value. Maybe they're bored of the same one or couple of sentences being reused without any new lines surrounding it because when they read it, it's showing that the person who gave them the card didn't put much heart and thought into it.
Just so you know,I just finished writing out all my friends cards an hour ago,they will receive them in a couple of weeks. I'm thinking about giving them small gifts; something on my desk that is still in good condition but I don't need it nor want,something that is in wonderful quality but can be bought at a low price and something from the heart.
Merry Christmas and a happy new year to you guys. I hope and and wish you the best. Christmas is next month,who cares? This can be an early confidential. And don't forget,you're awesome.