Very often I come across many teen or high school films with lots of cliche's and stereotypes. The popular guy always ends up with the less noticed girl in the end of these films. It's never really a surprise when we see this happen in movies since lots of movies are like that. In reality,it's a completely different scenario. The pretty popular girl gets the guy while the quiet girl doesn't get noticed at all. But trust me; the quiet,awkward,smart or nice girls are the most interesting ones. I think every type of guy should give them a chance or try,you never know what you will discover. You will most likely find something amazing about them if you try to get to know them. I'm not only going to put the subject matter on girls but also guys. I see so many girls who go out with jerks and when they're over them,the next week they date a different guy whose actually very similar to the other jerk they dated just before and this pattern continues on and on.And these girls then ramble,argue and whine about how every guy is a prude or jerk and yet these girls have only ever dated one type of genre or personality theme when it came to relationships. They never really gave the sweet or nerdy guys a chance at all. These type of guys tend to grow up to be successful or even attractive. Try to get to know them is all I ask. If they don't interest you after a while of getting to know them,that's fine because at least you tried. I'm sick of people going for sluts and jerks only (sorry..I just had to say that word).
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