A Weight Has Been Lifted Off My Shoulders...Well Nearly Off

I haven't been online for a while. I had been focusing on doing my assignments and studying for the exams. Yesterday,was the last day of examinations. I'm glad it's finally over (for now). Even though I'm happy with the fact it's done with,I just wish I could go back in time and redo my History and Maths exams. I found it ridiculous that the History exam was only allowed to go for fourty-five minutes. There were tons of essays to write,30 multiple questions to answer and the task of deciding on true and false when it came to statements. It wasn't possible to finish it all in a minimum amount of time with such a large exam-unless I didn't read any of the questions,randomly wrote out of the blue one sentence answers and rushed without thinking.The History exam was severely easy for me,but sadly I couldn't complete it within the limited time period. However,for the Maths exam,I blame myself for not completing it. I came across this one difficult question and tried to understand it before I wrote my answer.It took me basically around four minutes to figure out the answer itself.
Because of this,I didn't get to complete the whole exam. When one of the teachers yelled out ''Pens down everyone!'' I freaked out and took a quick glimpse of the last few pages. In that instant I realised I knew how to every single thing and every single one of those questions situated on the last few pages but had no time to do any of it. I tried to keep answering but some teacher snatched my exam paper off me. So,in simple words,I lost marks I could of gained if I had just finished both the History and Maths exam.
I get stressed,just thinking about it now.
Next week,I'll get to see my results. I'm not too fond of it at the moment. If it all goes good,I'll be jumping with joy. But if it initiates the opposite way,I will of course be quite disappointed.Although, I'll eventually sooth down-I mean,that was only the half yearly exams. I still have the full yearly exams left for this year. I can try to work better and faster on that one instead of fussing about the 'half yearly' I did this week.
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