Saturday, 8 September 2012

Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl

My English teacher Mrs Manny assigned us a reading task which is pretty easy if you love reading. The students in my class went ''What?' and ''Why?'' with sorrowed expressions on their faces while I smiled and murmured ''Why not?'' But enough of that,let's get to the diary. Sorry about not reviewing it earlier on, I was too busy doing comprehension sheets and booklets based on the titled book Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young girl to really have the committed time of reviewing it two weeks ago. But here I am now and I'm ready to represent my review of the book.

The book closures us the personality and atmosphere of Anne's life during the early 1940's. The Jewish are in danger 24/7 with Hitler's rules,laws and opinions. Before the Frank's even know it,they go into hiding. Otto Frank (Anne's father) has a few close friends at work who are willing to help the family with the hiding plan. The Frank's go into hiding within the so called Secret Annexe; a small attic of a work building,in which case Otto Frank worked in. In hiding,they're joined with another family who go by as the Van Daan's. A bit later on,Otto Frank invites Albert Dussel (a local dentist) to join them in hiding,Mr Dussel of course says yes. Anne Frank records everything in her diary,the object she got for her thirteenth birthday. In the diary, Anne talks about her old life of being spoiled,bratty,rich,smart-mouthed,rude and flirty. And also mentions the devastating isolation and depression she feels inside from being locked away from the world and held in the ''Secret Annexe.'' From 1942 to 1944 she changes majorly when it comes to her conscience,manners and perhaps writing style. She goes from a little girl into a young smart woman who hopes and hopes for good to happen and believes everyone is truly good at heart. She faces conflict with Mrs Van Daan a lot in the book and admires her dad as being a 'darling' while she doesn't feel so close to her mother. Anne and her sister grow close altogether. And that boy she disliked at the start (Peter Van Daan),they both end up in love in the end. During the last years of living in the ''Secret Annexe'' the two families feared of ever getting caught or felt burglars lurked.

The diary abruptly stops on Tuesday,1 August,1944. In the last page of her diary Anne talks about contradictions and how she hides the good inside of her while she displays the bad outside. When you read those last pages,you start to wonder what happened next. Thankfully the book contained an Afterward part to tell you all those things. Anne was separated from her father and mother,taken with her sister into concentration camps. She found her old friend Lies at the Belsan camp and cried.Unfortunate things happened after that for Anne.

It was a historical and intense experience to read this young girls diary. To witness the events she witnessed,to hear the things she heard and to feel the things she felt,all of this through words. When you read her diary,you see how she changes. From reading the first pages;you absolutely hate her,to reading the last pages; you absolutely love her. Anne Frank; a girl who wanted to be a better person,a girl who was strong and courageous throughout it all,a girl who felt a huge gulp of guilt from her past,a girl that let the bad of things change her into a good of a thing. She spoke for all Jews who suffered. Her diary gives you a deeper look of how it all was like,better than any old history book with boring facts you'd usually have to read.

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